Was obvious that this new hyper-connected and personalized market was going to attract companies to monetize it with advertisements. Rumors began to circulate in early 2018 about Amazon. According to CNBC , the e-commerce giant was a priori testing the insertion of advertisements through its voice assistant Alexa. These could be shopping suggestions that appear based on users' voice queries. Google is stepping up a gear This year, Google is entering the race for voice advertising by carrying out similar tests. Last February, Search Engine Land reported this information from a tweet.
It was while doing a voice search on his Android mobile that Gennaro Cuofono noticed this Google Ads advertisement promoting an MBA from an Italian fax list university. The ad was positioned at the top of the results page, above the organic results which do not appear in the image above. What to remember? With the development of connected devices, voice search will become a new use that brands will seize. As proof, the main players in the voice assistance market are working on the monetization of this new lever. Unsurprisingly, voice advertising will one day appear in voice search results.
As proof, Google is currently testing these new advertisements. For the moment, Google has not yet commented on this subject, but we will let you know when this feature is officially released.Currently, nearly a third of the world's population uses social media. From this observation stems the use of social networks by companies. Attracted by this online showcase, companies are more inclined to use these new modes of communication. After the timeless Facebook, other social platforms have entered the race.